[過去ログ] 独り言1358 (1002レス)
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746: 2024/12/19(木)07:00 ID:r/HEazY1M(1/5) AAS
I hope the Papal States will be returned.
The covenant is good, so it's only good.
753: 2024/12/19(木)08:45 ID:r/HEazY1M(2/5) AAS
Today I was reminded of the song IT'S ONLY LOVE.
754: 2024/12/19(木)08:57 ID:r/HEazY1M(3/5) AAS
In Japan, I can't help but feel the art of the neighboring Israeli kings.
775: 2024/12/19(木)12:28 ID:r/HEazY1M(4/5) AAS
The fact that the statue is shown in the video is a sign of Papal art.
776: 2024/12/19(木)12:40 ID:r/HEazY1M(5/5) AAS
I'm sure it would be possible to find such a sign in Italy.
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル
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