RSSリーダーを語るスレ3 (970レス)

47: 2011/05/19(木)07:11 ID:MW2MsOi/0(1) AAS
What's new:
- Subscription management (this might be a little bit buggy...)
- Clear read items when syncing (in unread view)

- Stop audio/video when in background when toggling in-app browser
- Inactive password field
- Crash on launch
- Memory leaks
- Minimized layout: arrow up/down in the article view now also scrolls (like space/shift-space)
- Embedded videos too small
- Allow shortcuts without modifier keys for services

Also, various Lion related bugfixes.
あと 923 レスあります
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル

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