RSSリーダーを語るスレ3 (970レス)
抽出解除 必死チェッカー(本家) (べ) レス栞 あぼーん
33: 2011/05/12(木)01:17 ID:0vGUqnxj0(1) AAS
Note: There was quite some confusion regarding the new minimized layout. The old, classic layout is still here. There are now two ways to switch the layout:
1. The button on the bottom right in the article list
2. Menu items in View > Layout
What's new:
- Menu item for layout selection (View > Layout)
- Much improved arrow key navigation
- Added status icons for starred and shared items
- Show notes and sharers in the article view
- Show link URLs in the status bar
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル
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