[過去ログ] 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む25 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (716レス)
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524(1): 現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む 2016/11/27(日)07:33 ID:dKz7cXDk(7/37) AAS
>>523 関連
John Tukeyさん
"Early in his career Tukey worked on developing statistical methods for computers at Bell Labs where he invented the term "bit"."か。知らなかったね(^^;
John Tukey
John Wilder Tukey ForMemRS[1] (/?tu?ki/;[2] June 16, 1915 ? July 26, 2000) was an American mathematician best known for development of the FFT algorithm and box plot.[3] The Tukey range test, the Tukey lambda distribution, the Tukey test of additivity, and the Teichmuller?Tukey lemma all bear his name.
Scientific contributions
Early in his career Tukey worked on developing statistical methods for computers at Bell Labs where he invented the term "bit".[6]
His statistical interests were many and varied. He is particularly remembered for his development with James Cooley of the Cooley?Tukey FFT algorithm.
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