[過去ログ] Inter-universal geometry と ABC予想 (応援スレ) 65 (1002レス)
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533(1): 2022/04/23(土)20:49 ID:MU2asfqc(17/24) AAS
Indeed, from an even more elementary point of view, perhaps the simplest example of the essential phenomenon under consideration here is the following purely combinatorial phenomenon: Consider the string of symbols
? i.e., where “0” and “1” are to be understood as formal symbols.
Then, from the point of view of the length two substring 01 on the left, the digit “1” of this substring may be specified by means of its “coordinate relative to this substring”, namely, as the symbol to the far right of the substring 01. In a similar vein, from the point of view of the length two substring 10 on the right, the digit “1” of this substring may be specified by means of its “coordinate relative to this substring”, namely, as the symbol to the far left of the substring 10.
On the other hand, neither of these specifications via “substring-based coordinate systems”is meaningful to the opposite length two substring; that is to say, only the solitary abstract symbol “1” is simultaneously meaningful, as a device for specifying the digit of interest, relative to both of the “substring-based coordinate systems”.
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