[過去ログ] Inter-universal geometry と ABC予想 (応援スレ) 65 (1002レス)
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767(2): 2022/04/30(土)08:46 ID:Vf6bDvV+(2/26) AAS
In 2013?2017 not a single concrete mathematical remark indicating any essential issue in IUT was produced. However, Scholze, who does not have work in anabelian geometry and has not participated in any anabelian geometry and IUT workshops, kept talking publicly about faults in IUT since 2014 without ever providing any math evidence.16 After a lot of pressure from several mathematicians, he visited RIMS, together with Stix, in March 2018, just for several days. Instead of explaining what kind of ‘mistakes’ they see in IUT, they were kindly given introductory lectures on IUT by experts.
注)16 I wrote to him several times requesting to tell precisely what were the faults in IUT and discuss with experts. The author of IUT had invited Scholze to discuss any issues but Scholze did not follow.
2013年から2017年にかけて、IUTの本質的な問題を示す具体的な数学的発言は1つも作成されませんでした。 しかし、遠アーベル幾何学の仕事がなく、遠アーベル幾何学とIUTワークショップに参加したことのないショルツェは、数学の証明を提供することなく、2014年以来IUTの欠陥について公に話し続けました16。 彼は2018年3月にStixと一緒にRIMSを数日間訪問しました。 彼らがIUTでどのような「間違い」を目にするかを説明する代わりに、彼らは専門家によってIUTについての紹介講義を親切に与えられました。
注)16 私は彼に何度か手紙を書き、IUTの(議論の)欠点を正確に伝え、専門家と話し合うように依頼しました。 IUTの作者は、ショルツェに問題について話し合うように勧めましたが、ショルツェはそれに従いませんでした。
768(2): 2022/04/30(土)08:47 ID:Vf6bDvV+(3/26) AAS
The first report (not a paper with full proofs) about the meeting, shortly after the meeting and several months before the award of the Fields Medals, included a hugely incorrect version of IUT, based on a gross erroneous oversimplification of IUT.
The report demonstrated various misundestandings of the theory including the difference between frobenius-like structures and etale-like structures in IUT. Its text includes no proof that the caricature version of IUT is equal to IUT.
It included such very strange from the standard mathematical point of view phrases as ‘we are certain that even with all subtleties restored, the issue we are pointing out will prevail’, ‘it seems to us’.
The report essentially denies the use of anabelian geometry and infinitely many theatres in IUT, since the group of automorphisms of objects is reduce to the trivial one.17
For various details see this page18 and these report and text19 of the author of IUT.
レポートは、IUTのフロベニウスのような構造とエタールのような構造の違いを含む理論のさまざまな誤解を示しました。 そのテキストには、caricatureバージョンのIUTがIUTと等しいという証明は含まれていません。
781: 2022/04/30(土)09:38 AAS
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