[過去ログ] ガロア第一論文と乗数イデアル他関連資料スレ12 (1002レス)
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(2): 現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP 01/13(月)18:15 ID:xSRlEtRO(10/17) AAS

Notes et références
3.Pour d'autres énoncés équivalents à ACω, voir (en) Horst Herrlich, « Choice principles in elementary topology and analysis », Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae, vol. 38, no 3,‎ 1997, p. 545-552 (lire en ligne [archive]) et (en) Paul Howard et Jean E. Rubin, Consequences of the Axiom of Choice, Providence, R.I., AMS, 1998.

Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 38,3(1997)545–552 545
Choice principles in elementary topology and analysis Horst Herrlich
1. In the realm of the reals
We start by observing that several familiar topological properties of the reals are equivalent to each other and to rather natural choice-principles.
Theorem 1.1 ([15], [29], [30]). Equivalent are:
1. in R, a point x is an accumulation point of a subset A iff there exists a sequence in A\{x} that converges to x,
(2): 現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP 01/13(月)19:08 ID:xSRlEtRO(11/17) AAS

 上記 fr.wikipedia 可算選択公理における下記の記述とは、矛盾しない と思う
”Theorem 1.1 ([15], [29], [30]). Equivalent are:
1. in R, a point x is an accumulation point of a subset A iff there exists a sequence in A\{x} that converges to x,
2. a function f : R → R is continuous at a point x iff it is sequentially continuous at x,
3. a real-valued function f : A → R from a subspace A of R is continuous iff it is sequentially continuous,
4. each subspace of R is separable,
5. R is a Lindel¨ of space,
6. Q is a Lindel¨ of space,
(3): 現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP 01/14(火)17:22 ID:rO5NkXOo(3/3) AAS
は君の発言だよね? 食言ってことは、未だに間違いって理解してないってこと?

では、下記の通り 微修正をします ;p)

つまり、整列可能定理は公理として、x∈R subset A⊂R で 有理コーシー列 a sequence in A\{x} that converges to x で有理数Qの完備化を可能として(但し、RをcompactにするためDCを使用>>261)
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