[過去ログ] 【人種差別】モーリー・ロバートソン、大阪の女子高生不登校問題は「外交問題に発展するかも」…フジ「ワイドナショー」 (1002レス)
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793: 2017/11/05(日)20:26 ID:ifPeTdOX0(6/6) AAS
Haaa NemuiOct. 27 04:01 pm JST
Hope she wins. One thing to have rules against that which is artificial.
Another thing entirely to force a chemical treatment to satisfactorily
alter what is a completely natural appearance. Hope she gets what she wants and more.
nakanoguy01Oct. 27 04:16 pm JST
wait, there's a policy against dyeing your hair at the school,
but there's also a policy that all students have black hair?
so they forced her to break one rule in order for her not to break another rule? confused yet?
Christopher GlenOct. 27 04:23 pm JST
Conformity at work again, sigh. Hope she wins
sf2kOct. 27 04:35 pm JST
School abuse even broke their own rules. Fine should be larger than 2.2 mil yen.
sandiegoluvOct. 27 05:42 pm JST
Morons! Simply Morons!
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