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993: (東京都) (ワッチョイ 1f8a-VltX []) 2023/05/30(火)05:43 ID:Rrse9HMe0(1/2) AAS
Martin Scorsese Meets Pope Francis, Announces Film About Jesus – Report

Martin Scorsese is on a post-Cannes tour of Italy where over the weekend the director, known for having a religious bent,
met with Pope Francis and announced that he will make a film about Jesus.
“I have responded to the Pope’s appeal to artists in the only way I know how: by imagining and writing a screenplay for a film about Jesus,”
Scorsese announced on Saturday during a Rome conference at the Vatican, according to multiple reports. “And I’m about to start making it,” the director added, suggesting that this could be his next film.
Also on Saturday, before attending the conference – titled “The Global Aesthetics of the Catholic Imagination” – Scorsese and his wife Helen Morris met Pope Francis during a brief private audience at the Vatican.

『最後の誘惑』『沈黙 -サイレンス-』のマーティン・スコセッシ監督がローマ教皇フランシスコと面会。
998: (東京都) (ワッチョイ 1f8a-VltX []) 2023/05/30(火)07:10 ID:Rrse9HMe0(2/2) AAS
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