浜田麻里☆Part99☆ (932レス)
769: 11/07(木)04:24 ID:urRvnG3s0(1/2) AAS
Make america great again
770: 11/07(木)04:28 ID:urRvnG3s0(2/2) AAS
Make america great again
771: 11/07(木)12:08 ID:ySmG7Spu0(1) AAS
Hope America Not Entering A 'Dark Time'
772: 11/07(木)13:20 ID:581tZCKW0(1) AAS
want to meet Mari's hip again
773: 11/07(木)17:26 ID:GQnHbWeg0(1) AAS
Kintaro,Ai Haruna,and Jun Togawa
774: 11/07(木)20:42 ID:5R3hUlM+0(1) AAS
samui samui konyawa hieru
775: 11/08(金)04:33 ID:rmqsLLAU0(1) AAS
I win
776: 11/08(金)07:52 ID:Orh54R280(1) AAS
you loose
777: 11/08(金)12:15 ID:z9K6X7qQ0(1/2) AAS
Speaking of Mari Hamada; she is one of the few artists that will join Morris to Psychomanteum Records.
778: 11/08(金)13:19 ID:z9K6X7qQ0(2/2) AAS
This year, Setsuzoku presented a new signing that Morris is very proud of: rock diva Mari Hamada. “I’m such a huge fan!”, he enthuses. “She tried to be a success overseas in the mid-nineties. It was a concerted effort: she had English lyrics, she had a deal with MCA and released an international album. She had success in Southeast Asia, but not in Europe and the United States. She eventually disappeared back into Japan, but it was because the opportunity just didn’t pan out.
779: 11/09(土)04:28 ID:e75d47M50(1) AAS
780: 11/10(日)04:33 ID:6FfRHWDH0(1/2) AAS
word salad
781: 11/10(日)05:09 ID:6FfRHWDH0(2/2) AAS
word salad
782: 11/10(日)11:01 ID:IGBDae6p0(1) AAS
783: 11/10(日)16:45 ID:O9ooF5Nr0(1) AAS
784: 11/11(月)04:15 ID:dCfCQzVm0(1) AAS
785: 11/12(火)04:10 ID:HJjK9u2d0(1) AAS
786: 11/13(水)04:28 ID:Lbo8nyG50(1) AAS
Oh my God!!
787: 11/13(水)04:41 ID:MnqGoi/F0(1) AAS
788: 11/14(木)04:10 ID:qdKKVtlT0(1) AAS
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