[過去ログ] 【パヨク悲報】パヨク「若者が右傾化してる」「韓国人は頭おかしいの?と聞いてくる」 (805レス)

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796: (茸) [ニダ] 2019/06/09(日)16:28 ID:QuE4KHdB0(1) AAS
One aspect of socialism / communism leads to anti-world peace thought.
Some Koreans (and people in other countries) are danced in their anti-world peace ideology unconsciously or consciously.
Here is an example that has been practiced.
Nuclear explosions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki expressed by Koreans.
・ Sake Bomb:Drop a small glass of Japanese Sake into a beer mug and drink.This is an act that expresses a mushroom cloud.
・ 2006: Korean singer / actor Rain (Pi) music video "I'm coming"
A scene dancing in front of the atomic bomb dome in Hiroshima Prefecture.
・ 2013: "Escape from tomorrow" American independent movie.
The director is a white man and the co-producer is a Korean woman. The credit roll VFX staff is lined with Korean names.
The imitation of the torii gate in Itsukushima Shrine (Miyajima, Hiroshima Prefecture) is located in front of the Japan Pavilion in Florida's famous theme park.
The sound effects of the scene where the explosion smoke soars behind the torii are laughter and cheers.
・2018 :South Korean pop group BTS members wear Mushroom cloud Tshirt. The KK ... which means laughter is arranged vertically.
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