[過去ログ] FIFA関係者が謎の大量死 ワクチン接種から11か月で183人の選手やコーチが心筋炎で倒れ108人が死亡★2 [296138258] (616レス)
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(1): アルゼンチンバックブリーカー(茸) [RO] 2021/11/27(土)19:03 ID:sviu+Pp40(19/35) AAS
The Israeli Real-Time News Tuesday reported a 5-fold increase in sudden cardiac and unexplained deaths among FIFA players in 2021.

Since December, 183 professional athletes and coaches have suddenly collapsed, with 108 dead.

A Real-Time News investigation revealed that most of the athletes were males, with only 15 females, and the vast majority being 17-40 years of age. Only 21 are older (5 aged 42-45, six aged 46-49, 7 aged 51-54, and 3 others aged 60-64). 23 were teenagers, aged 12-17, of whom 16 died.
(1): 急所攻撃(大阪府) [CN] 2021/11/27(土)19:04 ID:PNGofoQ60(2/5) AAS
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