[過去ログ] ■ブッシュ親子の自作自演テロ第六十四部■ (1001レス)
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547: 04/08/28 12:28 ID:1Q2qfbmk(18/38) AAS
The World Trade Center fire may have reached 1,300 or 1,400 degrees F. Structural steel
does not easily melt, but it will lose about half its strength at 1,200 degrees F.
The steel structure of the Twin Towers was weakened by the extreme heat. The steel also
became distorted because the heat was not a uniform temperature.
Most fires start in one area and then spread. The fire from the terrorist planes covered
the area of an entire floor almost instantly. As the weakened floors began to collapse,
they crashed into the floors below. With the weight of the plunging floors accelerating,
the exterior walls buckled.
548: 04/08/28 12:31 ID:1Q2qfbmk(19/38) AAS
Study Faults Bolts in WTC Collapse
NEW YORK (AP) - The single-bolt connections in the framework of the World Trade Center
popped and fell apart during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, causing the floors
to collapse on top of each other, according to a new study.
A federal investigation said the towers' unconventional design contributed to the collapse,
noting weak floor supports gave way during the attacks ・a similar conclusion to the one
drawn by the MIT researchers in their upcoming report.
549: 04/08/28 12:32 ID:1Q2qfbmk(20/38) AAS
After seven months of wide speculation about the causes of
New York's World Trade Center collapses on September 11, 2001,
a report has been issued based on physical evidence and a thorough
engineering analysis.
550(3): 1@突然だな、こりゃ。 ◆3K6YWY/F96 04/08/28 12:34 ID:p8/AIXZW(17/29) AAS
551: 04/08/28 12:36 ID:1Q2qfbmk(21/38) AAS
****** Engineering Forensics of Collapse *******
However, it was the explosion and burning of jet fuel, perhaps 18,000 gallons or 50 tons*
(68,000 liters or 54 tonnes, some three quarters of the aircraft's capacity) of it at
each building, that gradually weakened the steel structure to the point of collapse.
Gravity did the rest to bring the towers down. This seems to explain why the buildings
did not fall at the moment of impact but suffered collapse an hour or more later.
552: 04/08/28 12:39 ID:1Q2qfbmk(22/38) AAS
This responsibility of the WTC architect, Minoru Yamasaki, has been too
often overlooked in the laying blame for the WTC collapse. Structural
engineers have been afraid to point this out for fear of offending their
clients, architects. Architects in turn have been afraid to admit
culpability because few know much about fire protection and do not want
to be questioned about it.
553: 1@突然だな、こりゃ。 ◆3K6YWY/F96 04/08/28 12:40 ID:p8/AIXZW(18/29) AAS
9.11テロの真相 - WTC&ペンシルベニア編
554: 04/08/28 12:42 ID:1Q2qfbmk(23/38) AAS
World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects
The structural integrity of the World Trade Center depends on the closely spaced columns
around the perimeter. Lightweight steel trusses span between the central elevator core and
the perimeter columns on each floor. These trusses support the concrete slab of each floor
and tie the perimeter columns to the core, preventing the columns from buckling outwards.
After the initial plane impacts, it appeared to most observers that the structure had been
severely damaged, but not necessarily fatally.
555: 04/08/28 12:45 ID:1Q2qfbmk(24/38) AAS
The center core design of WTC 1 and 2 was the main reason they collapsed into the bath tub
instead of falling over. WTC 7 did not collapse in the same manor. The heat generated over 7
hours thinned structural members as well as contaminating / diffusing sulfer (supplied by
the insulation) into structural steel. WTC 1 and 2 collapsed from changing the natural
frequency of the center support core. The fracture was sudden and complete, indicating
brittle fracture had occured. With the loss of support in the center of the building the
outsides collapsed toward the center.
556: 1@突然だな、こりゃ。 ◆3K6YWY/F96 04/08/28 12:45 ID:p8/AIXZW(19/29) AAS
な爆発音を聞いた。そして、「爆発した! 爆発した!」と叫びながら人が駆け込んできた。その人は全身に火傷を負って
557(1): 04/08/28 12:47 ID:i+rtsHFf(1) AAS
■米共和党:日本重視の政策綱領案 民主党の中国重視に対抗■
558: 1@突然だな、こりゃ。 ◆3K6YWY/F96 04/08/28 12:47 ID:p8/AIXZW(20/29) AAS
559: 1@突然だな、こりゃ。 ◆3K6YWY/F96 04/08/28 12:48 ID:p8/AIXZW(21/29) AAS
560: 1@突然だな、こりゃ。 ◆3K6YWY/F96 04/08/28 12:51 ID:p8/AIXZW(22/29) AAS
■朝鮮人は、 同じ「反日」で利害が一致するユダヤ人シオニスト犯罪者と
561: 04/08/28 12:53 ID:1Q2qfbmk(25/38) AAS
At 9:59 AM (after the South Tower collapse), electrical power to the substations in WTC 7 was shut off.
The generators in WTC 7 started up by themselves.
Debris from the collapsing North Tower breached a fuel oil pipe in a room in the north side of
the building. This, and other debris started numerous fires in the building.
The backup mechanism (shut off the fuel oil pumps when a breach occurred) failed to work, and the
fuel oil (diesel) was pumped from the tanks on the ground floor to the fifth floor where it ignited.
The pumps emptied the tanks of all 12,000 gallons of fuel.
The extant fires raised the temperature of the spilled fuel oil to the 140 degrees F required for it
to ignite.
The sprinkler system malfunctioned and failed to extinguish the fire.
562: 04/08/28 12:59 ID:1Q2qfbmk(26/38) AAS
While it is possible there were pre-positioned explosives
in the building, I do not think that was the case due to it
being very difficult to assure that a plane would hit the
correct location in the building.
563: [age] 04/08/28 13:01 ID:zNNvtIFg(1) AAS
564: 04/08/28 13:05 ID:1Q2qfbmk(27/38) AAS
It was the explosions of the jet fuel that did the buildings in, not the impact of the
jetliners themselves, and the buildings did not collapse until some time after the
crashes?well over an hour for one tower, just under an hour for the other. Steel softens
and melts under tremendous heat?it is, after all, created by the heat of the forge?and
it was only a matter of time before the extraordinary heat of the fire would take its toll.
The Trade Center was "amazingly robust," said Bill Baker, an engineer at the Skidmore
firm who has designed the structural systems for several new skyscrapers.
565: 1@突然だな、こりゃ。 ◆3K6YWY/F96 04/08/28 13:07 ID:p8/AIXZW(23/29) AAS
563 名前:朝まで名無しさん :04/08/28 13:01 ID:zNNvtIFg
566: 04/08/28 13:08 ID:LxaDWwnP(20/28) AAS
The Fires in Building 7
Never forget that the WTC towers should not have collapsed despite
the claims made by officials and professional investigators.
-- John Young, NYC architect for 30 years, Cryptome Administrator.
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