[過去ログ] 【竹島問題】「わが領土を守るため当然」 竹島周辺での訓練で韓国海軍[6/15] [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (331レス)

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92: <丶`∀´>@無断転載は禁止 2017/06/15(木)21:21 ID:WRLCqh6Q(1) AAS
Takeshima illegal occupation of South Korea,
Syngman Rhee regime to accept,
Why not accept Hoshirube Federation incidents brethren massacre?

Why South Korea Is not praised as a hero the dictator,
Syngman Rhee was taken Takeshima?
Korea as stalker "Japanese colonial, colonial rule, comfort women"'s still
The bum as fly shit in Japan
South Korea, Syngman Rhee regime did to the brethren once
Genocide, Hoshirube Federation incident "Korean Holocaust"
It is to cap the facts "Foreign Princess-Raidaihan".

Hoshirube Federation incident = "Korean Holocaust" -
South Korea hide the history of the country
Whatever I face South Korea ! It is a barbaric act of rape ,
massacre of South Korean troops did in Vietnam is this!

Vietnam War, South Korea rape, I do as much of the devil of slaughter
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