[過去ログ] 【話題】CNNとFOX NEWS、慰安婦は作り話だと気がついた[09/06] [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (871レス)

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(33): ダーさん@がんばらない ★@無断転載は禁止 2017/09/06(水)10:15 ID:CAP_USER(1) AAS




今日、我々は2件の記事(※)を目にしました。3年前にマイケルが言ったことと同じ事を記事に書いています。2014年、マイケルが Komori, Sakurai, その他数名の日本人たちと懇談していたときと全く同じことを述べています。マイケルはこの件についての投稿を続け、電子メールや会話において警鐘を鳴らし続けてくれました。おかげで状況が変わりつつあります。

これを見てください。FOXもCNNも同じようなテーマで記事をポストしているではありませんか。(神よ感謝します!!) 左も右も、どちらの主義であろうと日本兵によって20万にんもが性奴隷としてさらわれたなどとの作り話には裏があることに気がついたのです。





Norm Coleman も Steve Glassman も非常にまじめな記者です。彼らに続いてもっと多くの仲間がこの丘にやってくるでしょう。

※訳注:CNNとFOX NEWSの2016年の記事

Comfort Women issue: GREAT NEWS
One of my teammates emailed this to our research team today:
I just wanted to take some time and share some perspective with the group. Three years ago, these types of articles would NEVER have seen the light of day in English, and NOBODY except Michael was talking in these geostrategic terms to get people outside of niche advocacy groups to pay attention.
Now we have two articles where the phrasing Michael introduced three years ago is showing up. I remember when Michael was meeting Komori, Sakurai, and a few others in Japan back in 2014 and stated some of these exact terms. He continued to post on this and hammer it out in emails and conversations. The "Meme" is moving.
Now look at this. Both FOX and CNN are posting articles with the same themes in it (Thanks for giving me these by the way!!) Left and Right are both catching on that there is more to the story than 200,000 sex slaves kidnapped by the Japanese Army.
Three years ago, it was in some outlets up to 400,000 kidnapped. Notice the gains this group has made:
1. Now the narrative has changed to "up to 200,000 were kidnapped or coerced" down from "400,000 kidnapped".
2. An introduction of the concept that there is more to the story and an identification of North Korea and China with the story for a specific purpose: To divide people NOT to highlight a human right violation.
Great job to everyone and especially Michael for planting the flag on the hill first and taking fire until the rest of the cavalry start to arrive. Norm Coleman and Steven Glassman are serious players and more should be coming out now that they have walked up that hill as well.

Japan vs US: No, Japan is not 'killing' us, we're killing Japan, our staunchest Asian ally
By James K. Glassman
Published May 10, 2016

Don't let North Korea exploit 'comfort women' issue
By Norm Coleman
Updated 2342 GMT (0742 HKT) March 31, 2016

ソース:Michael Yon JP Tuesday, September 5, 2017
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