[過去ログ] 【旭日旗】 「戦犯旗の意味、知らなかった…申し訳ない」〜タトゥーで物議かもした米国のロックバンド『ワンリパブリック』が謝罪[01/31] (614レス)
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329: <丶`∀´> 2018/02/01(木)16:09 ID:FXy8yQwX(1) AAS
Hi, Ryan, you have nothing to apologize about your tattoo.
There was no “flag of rising sun” issue until 2013. Until then, Korean didn’t say nothing about the flag.
Forget what Koreans have said to you,
and you should rather be proud of your rising sun on your arm.
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