[過去ログ] 【朝鮮日報/コラム】韓国史の教科書がこんなことになっているのをご存じですか 憤怒と憎悪、被害意識、羞恥に満ちたものになる[12/29] (1002レス)
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948: <丶`∀´> 2019/12/30(月)02:11 ID:DUU8GfR+(2/6) AAS
A Korean textbook is an anti-Japanese cyborg brainwashing guidebook of a liar fantasy storm.
Therefore, the future of the nation has been 70 years, and the future of the next 1000
years will be uniform. There is a liar Korean scammer who has been manufactured against
anti-Japanese cyborgs and has been locked into a curse of hatred, envy, jealousy, and hatred.
From kindergarten to old man, they are anti-Japanese liar fraudsters, and they are a plan
of different dimension monster manufacturing that does not adhere to treaties and
agreements and does not pay debts.
Therefore, young people who do not know the war are living just to curse, hate, jealous,
and curse Japan and the Japanese on a wonderful anti-Japanese day.
Both Korean scammers in Japan and naturalized liars who grew up in Korean schools and Korean
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