[過去ログ] 【どうするムンムン】「中国に懸念」宣言明記へ 途上国向け投資で対抗 G7サミット今夜閉幕 [6/13] [昆虫図鑑★] (661レス)
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559: <丶`∀´> 2021/06/13(日)23:27 ID:TtpnJzO6(1) AAS
58. We call for the complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula and the verifiable and irreversible abandonment of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s (DPRK) unlawful weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programmes in accordance with all relevant UN Security Council resolutions. We call on all states to fully implement these resolutions and their associated sanctions. We welcome the readiness of the United States to continue its diplomatic efforts in coordination with all relevant partners and call on the DPRK to engage and resume dialogue. ★ We once again call on DPRK to respect human rights for all and to resolve the issue of abductions immediately.
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