[過去ログ] 【ゲンダイ】日本のテレビと比べものにならないほどシビアなCNN、BBC (1001レス)

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(9): 名無しさん@十一周年 2011/03/17(木)13:49 ID:GgRCmyjN0(1) AAS

Japan Requests U.S. To Block Popular Websites

(The Hosting News) ? In a recent effort to improve recovery efforts from the recent earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan,
the military has decided to block the use of certain websites from its network. Japanese military has reported that these sites are
not being blocked due to any content reason but solely to improve the bandwidth necessary for militaristic needs. On Monday the
U.S. Pacific Command received a request to block the 13 highest traffic usage sites commonly used on military networks such as
YouTube, Google Video, Amazon, eBay, Myspace, and MTV.com.

On a more interesting note to the bandwidth control is the continuing use of Facebook in Japan. The site is considered one of the
highest bandwidth usage portals in the region, but it will stay up and running due to its growing use by deployed military personnel.
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