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778(1): 名無しさん@1周年 2016/10/12(水)00:02 ID:o/9Ebsi+0(1/8) AAS
EXCLUSIVE: Child rape victim comes forward for the first time in 40 years to
call Hillary Clinton a 'liar' who defended her rapist by
smearing her, blocking evidence and callously laughing that
she knew he was guilty
・'Hillary Clinton is not for women and children,' says Kathy Shelton, 54, who
was 12 years old when she was raped by Thomas Alfred Taylor in Arkansas
・Clinton was the rapist's defense lawyer, pleading him down to 'unlawful
fondling of a minor'
・The 41-year-old drifter served less than a year in prison
・The plea came after Clinton was able to block the admission of forensic
evidence that linked her client to the crime
・Shelton says she's furious that Clinton has been portraying herself as a
lifelong advocate of women and girls on the campaign trail
・Clinton accused Shelton of 'seeking out older men' in the case and demanded
that she undergo a grueling court-ordered psychiatric examination
・The presidential candidate later laughed while discussing aspects of the case
in a recently-unearthed audiotaped interview from the 1980s
A child rape victim says she cannot forgive Hillary Clinton for defending her
rapist in court 40 years ago, saying the Democratic presidential candidate
attacked her credibility despite knowing that her assailant was guilty ? and later
laughed about it in a taped interview.
Kathy Shelton was just 12 years old when a 41-year-old drifter raped her on the
side of a desolate Arkansas road in 1975.
Now, four decades later, she has agreed to be named and pictured for the first
time in this Daily Mail Online exclusive because she is furious that her rapist's
defense attorney - Hillary Clinton - has been portraying herself as a lifelong
advocate of women and girls on the campaign trail.
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