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44: 幸ちゃん ◆qsOxealZu/uZ [age] 2017/05/01(月)13:14 ID:zujMDS/u0(24/57) AAS
Videos Fuel Charges of Fraud in Erdogan’s Win in Turkey Referendum

■ Suspicions of ballot-box stuffing in “almost all” of Turkey’s 165,000 ballot boxes, according to the Republican People’s Party, or C.H.P., the main opposition party.
■ The barring of over 170 members of the opposition from participating in election observation.
■ The temporary detainment of some international election observers, preventing them from fully observing election counts.
■ Minimal “no” votes in an opposition stronghold in southern Turkey.
■ At least one allegation of “no” votes being removed from ballot boxes and deposited in a building site in the same area of southern Turkey.
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