[過去ログ] 【トルコ/米国】トルコ大統領が米批判 「恥を知れ、恥を知れ。牧師とNATO同盟国を引き換えにしている」「リラ急落に慌てないように」 (1002レス)
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467: 名無しさん@1周年 2018/08/12(日)11:12 ID:FtYXoNmQ0(35/159) AAS
First, he endorsed the need to address the most dangerous enemy first, Germany. Second, he threw
his full weight behind shipping supplies to Russia, against the opposition of those who deplored communists,
and believed that Stalin would anyway be beaten.
Once it became plain that Russia would continue to hold Hitler's armies, and that eventual allied victory
was assured, Roosevelt's chief attention was focused upon forging a new post-war settlement. Always a
passionate opponent of imperialism, he dismayed Churchill by making plain his desire to prevent the old
European nations from reoccupying their Asian empires.
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