[過去ログ] 【死後の世界】死んだ時「俺死んでるわ」と認識できることが判明 (1002レス)
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1(42): がしゃーんがしゃーん ★ 2018/11/25(日)09:17 ID:CAP_USER9(1) AAS
LIFE AFTER DEATH When you die you know you’re dead as your brain keeps working for some time
A new study suggests your consciousness carries on after your heart stops beating
WE know we are dead when we die because our brains keep working to make us aware of what's happening around us, haunting new research suggests.
Top medical experts have forever been at loggerheads over what happens when humans die, with anecdotal evidence of bright lights and flashes reported by people who have 'come back' being the cause of much debate.
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