[過去ログ] 【水道民営化】内閣府推進部署に利害関係者? 水道サービス大手のフランス・ヴェオリア社日本法人からの出向職員が勤務 (1002レス)
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596(1): 名無しさん@1周年 2018/11/30(金)05:02 ID:2lFWfL0H0(5/11) AAS
>>1 >>2 >>541 >>550 >>559 >>563
On 31 December 2012, shares in Veolia Environnement were held as follows:
9.3% by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (primary shareholder),
followed by Groupe Industriel Marcel Dassault (6.3%),
Groupama (5.42%),
Velo Investissement (4.73%),
Électricité de France (4.22%),
Veolia Environment (2.73%).
Public and other institutional investors the remaining 67.3%.[29]
611: 名無しさん@1周年 2018/11/30(金)05:09 ID:2lFWfL0H0(6/11) AAS
The Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (English: Deposits and Consignments Fund) is a French public sector financial institution
created in 1816, and part of the government institutions under the control of the Parliament.[3] Often described as the "investment arm"
of the French State,[4] it is defined in the French Monetary and Financial Code as a "public group serving the public interest" and a "long-term investor".[5]
Since 2017, Éric Lombard has served as its CEO.[6]
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