[過去ログ] 【入管法改正】失業者162万人…“外国人労働者”を受け入れる日本は本当に「人手不足」なのか?★6 (1002レス)

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356: 名無しさん@1周年 2018/12/05(水)23:35 ID:ZuLU5LeI0(1/2) AAS
Hypocrites and camouflaged society and Panama document and St. Colbe

The country knew that the atomic bomb was droppedHeaven is angry with the goodwill, the social society,
the money money and the disparate society5 large elements, all earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruption, big
typhoonOverbearable blow to the terrible EarthlingElshadiy Declaration
あと 646 レスあります
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