[過去ログ] 【企業】カドカワの川上社長が辞任 ドワンゴの業績不振で ドワンゴ新社長は「iモード」夏野剛氏★2 (968レス)

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(2): 名無しさん@1周年 2019/02/15(金)17:21 ID:PPEf23CJ0(2/14) AAS

Elastic Searchは無職のプログラマーが数年間開発したものだが広く使われている

“ElasticSearch -the definitive guide”

Many years ago, a newly married unemployed developer called Shay Banon followed his wife to London, where she was studying to be a chef.
While looking for gainful employment, he started playing with an early version of Lucene, with the intent of building his wife a recipe search engine.
Working directly with Lucene can be tricky, so Shay started work on an abstraction layer to make it easier for Java programmers to add search to their applications.

He released this as his first open source project, called Compass.
Later Shay took a job working in a high-performance, distributed environment with in-memory data grids. The need for a high-performance, real-time, distributed
search engine was obvious, and he decided to rewrite the Compass libraries as a standalone server called Elasticsearch.
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