[過去ログ] 【健康】大麻使用の若者、うつ病や自殺願望リスク高い=専門家調査 (1002レス)

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(1): 名無しさん@1周年 2019/02/15(金)14:37 ID:I4cNWCS40(2/6) AAS
Meanwhile, those who used cannabis in their teenage years were three times more
likely to try to kill themselves - although the data on that trend was not
considered robust enough to draw a firm conclusion.

So is this proof?
No. The researchers were unable to prove cannabis use
was definitively causing depression.

Instead, they could only say it looked to be a strong link
To prove the link, trials would have to be conducted on young people -
あと 842 レスあります
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