[過去ログ] 【アベノミクス】GPIF 2018年度の年金運用、2.3兆円の黒字 黒字は3年連続 通算運用益65.8兆円★3 (1002レス)
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967: 名無しさん@1周年 2019/07/06(土)01:08 ID:o7xqjYP80(1) AAS
Parents of children play all of their children for the American dream of wanting to gain wealth
and honor, and let them do whatever vile things, but they fear and endure them. Human trafficking
by Illuminati is a closed room where people can negotiate and sell the price of a child role,
and a favorite child role can appear in the media. In the Hollywood industry, trafficking and illicit drugs
are common sense, and adults say they are silent.

Opus War and Rothschild and Rockefeller
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