[過去ログ] 【軍事】たった1両で精強ドイツ軍を足止めし続けた異形の重戦車KV-2の伝説 (306レス)
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37: 名無しさん@1周年 2019/12/22(日)20:50 ID:TkCRjBa30(1) AAS
The giant machine scared the soldiers. A single tank managed to stop the Nazis for the whole day
December 22, 2019
One Soviet tank KV-2 was enough and the entire German tank division got stuck. The Nazis were afraid to approach the giant machine, even if it was seriously damaged. However, the army of Nazi Germany soon gained its scary tank.
Not only the scary sound we wrote about in the previous episode, but also the look at the menacing-looking weapon could turn soldiers into salt pillars or turn into headless flight.
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