[過去ログ] 【ハゲ】息するだけで髪が生えると発表される [猪木いっぱい★] (224レス)

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156: 不要不急の名無しさん 2020/05/19(火)20:15 ID:gHS5RXdl0(4/5) AAS
This is the main reason for the men's Bondley head!

You may have noticed a lot of men's heads. The hair on the front of the head is gone. Frontal hair is bald. Do you know what caused it?

Especially in our society, men who are half their age find only half a head. About 80 out of 100 men have this problem.
Often men lose hair on the side of their scalp.
Others are only 40 years old, with hair on the front of their head on the forehead.
So why does our hair have this kind of problem as we get older? It is natural for everyone to doubt.

Psychological stress
Some medical research has revealed some of the factors they have found in their studies of men's hair.
It is believed that the inherited problem of hair problems that men face as they get older is also the reason.
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