[過去ログ] 日本の人気声優が靖国神社で「気持ちいい」、中国のファン激怒! 中国では「日本人からも批判」と報道も… ★3 [幻の右★] (1002レス)
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4(1): 2021/02/15(月)20:53 ID:7n6uhWhf0(1) AAS
It was when I went to Tohoku region from Salem, Massachusetts, last December that I met with that unearthly experience which chilled me to the very core.
At that time, as you know, there had been already the strict regulation of admission to Japan due to the epidemic, but for my part, certain connexions enabled me to manage to enter Japan.
With a Japanese guide, Mr. S**, I visited a village famous for a traditional winter festival. After enjoying seeing the festival, on the way to our inn, we espied some Japanese girls chasing after us.
No sooner had I looked back at them than they tucked up their skirt to expose themselves whilst shouting "please fuck me!"
So frantically did I run away from these nauseating things, that I remember little of the journey to Mr. S**'s motor.
In the motor going through the snowy path to the inn, Mr. S** told me about those girls.
"Now, because of the current epidemic, white male travellers come here no longer. To those praedator girls, you are the very prey that they have longed."
Then I heard from my left the slight sound of someone's breathing and saw "that thing" which one wasn't supposed to see from the motor running 40 miles per hour. I shouted, "The window! The window!",
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