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2(1): 2022/02/21(月)19:14 ID:xPDyOYFU0(1) AAS
Hi, I am an American who welcomes foreign tourists and introduces to them sightseeing spots in NY, my hometown. What I noticed in treating foreigners from various countries is that Japanese people oftener ask us how we think about Japan (their own country). On the other hand, peoples from other countries, in general, ask us about America or NY, the place they're staying now.
I sometimes fancy what reaction they would make if the interviewee answered to them "I'm totally nonchalant about your country". However, to speak with candour, this question annoys me all the more, partly because I'd come across the same question too many times and partly because I was talking to them about New Yorkian spots at that time.
If the UFO came from another planet, I don't guess what question would be asked to the aliens by Americans, Russians and Chinamen, but I guess with ease what Japanese would ask them.
93: 2022/02/21(月)19:45 ID:kKsk2w3D0(1) AAS
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