[過去ログ] 【自己責任至上主義者】在日ウクライナ人のナザレンコ・アンドリー「日本はウクライナより危険」 ★2 [スペル魔★] (1002レス)

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766: 2022/03/15(火)16:57 ID:YjcbLJ+N0(3/3) AAS
FBIの文書により、アメリカがウクライナのネオナチ団体を通じてシャーロッツビルの暴徒に資金提供した可能性が明らかに - アゾフと米国の暴徒との関係を示す文書
FBI Documents Reveal US May Have Funded Charlottesville Rioters Through Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group ? Documents Show Ties Between Azov Battalion, US Rioters


On August 1, 2018, an Instagram user “tagged” Right Brand Clothing’s account in a post containing a photograph of RAM members during their trip to Germany, Ukraine, and Italy
meeting with Olena Semenyaka, the leader of the International Department for the National Corps, which is a political party in the Ukraine that was founded in 2016 out of a regiment of the
Ukranian military called the Azov Battalion.

Based on my training and experience, I know that the Azov Battalion is a paramilitary unit of the Ukranian National Guard which is known
for its association with neo-Nazi ideology and use of Nazi symbolism, and which is believed to have participated in
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