[過去ログ] 【社会】年収250万円の33歳こどおじ「休みは家でじっとしている。精神的・金銭的に恐ろしくて恋人は作れない」 ★8 [ボラえもん★] (220レス)
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6: 2022/04/11(月)02:45 ID:C5Ix1XV20(1) AAS

Hi, I am American, but recently I was told an interesting and amazing (at least, to Americans) fact about an etiquette of the mediaeval Japan.

At that time, while facing a highly-ranked man like Syōgun or Mikado, Japanese people (especially, courtiers who often met such lofty persons) were desired to tremble with terror. By the tremble, they shew their boss "we know much that you are mighty enough to torture or to execute us with ease at any time, so that we fear you and are trembling."
Surprisingly enough (at least, to us, Americans), from this custom, it follows that Japanese men of power were more satisfied to be regarded as horrible than to be respected or loved.

I guess, such a mind of Japanese has much to do with the reason why the Japanese job place in general is filled with harassment and bullying by supervisors. They seem to think that they are strong so they can torture the weaker, and at the same time, the fact that they are allowed to bully proves their might.
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