[過去ログ] トルコ、北欧2国のNATO加盟支持せず 「テロリストの拠点」 [powder snow★] (1002レス)
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(6): 2022/05/14(土)01:11 ID:en4Uah8p0(1) AAS

An ancient Chinese lord, having employed a man who had no other talent than that of mimicking a chicken voice, fortunately managed to escape from his enemy's pursuit with the employee's talent.
I am American but this tale is, I think, more widely known in Japan than in the West.
However, in my eyes, modern Japanese enterprises seem not to learn the lesson from the tale. For they seldom pay attention (much less, respect) to the person who has some special talent, if the talent cannot be utilised for the daily task.

Suppose that you have employed a man who is not so sociable nor so careful but has learnt Sanskrit, you'll feel like firing him. But it's possible that the employing of him will chance to help your firm to launch the trade with Indian intellectual customers.
The same thing is true of other talents and hobbies. The man who is able to do something that many men cannot do should be praised in any case.
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