[過去ログ] 山上徹也「安倍氏を襲えば、家庭連合(旧統一教会)に非難が集まると思った」と供述 ★14 [Stargazer★] (1002レス)
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560: 2022/07/14(木)11:45 ID:KLy6flMf0(1) AAS
The Japanese do not want war.
The Japanese don't want to go to war.

It is the Koreans who pretend to be the people of the Japanese archipelago that caused the Pacific War and are about to arm Japan with nuclear weapons.

【Tomb of the false emperor after the Meiji Restoration】

【An ancient burial mound in North Korea】

They have hidden their origins, killed the indigenous peoples of Japan, deceived the Japanese, and deceived the world.
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