[過去ログ] 【新型コロナ】東京都、飲食店でのマスク着用必須も解除、5類移行後は無料検査や自宅療養者への配食終了 [七波羅探題★] (1002レス)
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593(1): ウィズコロナの名無しさん 2023/02/16(木)13:12 ID:Rgic8ick0(1) AAS
Laura Miers
Must-read article
“There have been studies looking at the way Covid causes T-cell exhaustion. We now know that the virus can directly infect T cells (the guardian cells that spot infections and help defend the immune system), which we didn’t know before.”
“I was appalled to see the prime minister making those comments”: A U of T epidemiologist on the myth of immunity debt and the real reason everyone’s getting sick
Colin Furness debunks the popular theory and explains how Covid-19 may be weakening our immune systems in the long run
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