[過去ログ] 【犯罪放置国家】パー券裏金疑惑で安倍派幹部立件見送り報道に「検察仕事しろ」「納税の義務」がトレンド入り ネット上では怒り噴出 [ぐれ★] (1002レス)
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650: ウィズコロナの名無しさん 2024/01/15(月)09:46 ID:jDMf8RrC0(17/33) AAS
We have repeatedly appealed to the media, the government, and the police on social networking sites to find a legal and social solution to this problem.
However, even our demonstrations are being manipulated to look like an evil act by SNS operatives hired by the government with secret cabinet funds and slush funds to guide public opinion.
The LDP has repeatedly bought elections and continues to sit on the national political scene without the confidence of the people.
Japan's prosecutors have been so corrupt for so many years that their jurisdiction has been violated to such an extent that there is no longer any power in Japan to cleanse itself.
Through the deployment of peacekeeping forces, we are asking for help to restore stability and peace in the country and to restore the legitimacy of state authority.
We look forward to the United Nations' expertise and experience to strengthen our joint international efforts to address the crisis in our country.
We sincerely hope that you will respond to this request. I trust that you will provide assistance to our country in accordance with the principles of peacekeeping and international cooperation that are the mission of the United Nations.
We look forward to your cooperation in this regard.
Sincerely yours
(*Note! This is a draft email! It contains a warning to the government! Please do not actually send it yet!)
(Thanks DeepL.com)
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