[過去ログ] モスクワ郊外でテロ 40人死亡100人以上けが ロシア治安機関 [少考さん★] (1002レス)

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(1): アフターコロナの名無しさん 03/23(土)08:54 ID:9QnIHHBz0(2/5) AAS
John Kirby, a spokesman for President Biden’s National Security Council, told reporters on Friday that the White House had “no indication at this time that Ukraine or Ukrainians were involved.” He added: “We’re taking a look at it. But I would disabuse you at this early hour of any connection to Ukraine.”

しかし、ロイター通信によると、ロシア外務省のマリア・ザハロワ報道官は、「誰かの無罪に関する悲劇の最中に、ワシントン当局者は何を根拠に何らかの結論を導き出すのだろうか?」と述べた。 同氏は、ワシントンが情報を持っているなら共有すべきだと付け加えた。
Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said however, according to Reuters, “On what basis do officials in Washington draw any conclusions in the midst of a tragedy about someone’s innocence?” She added that if Washington had information, it should be shared.
Mykhailo Podolyak, a top adviser to Ukraine’s presidential office, said in a video statement that “Ukraine has absolutely nothing to do” with the attack.

U.S. Warned About Possible Moscow Attack Before Concert Hall Shooting
2024年3月22日17時17分更新ET nytimes

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