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889(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:08 ID:iKsoq8JV0(2/10) AAS
FYI: Putin has subverted the UN “Sustainable Development Goals” as a proxy vector to advance a supranational autocracy. When you see “SDGs” know that is a stand-in for the Putin/Xi/Musk plans.
Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development
午前3:19 · 2024年11月12日
890(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:09 ID:iKsoq8JV0(3/10) AAS
3/More on Russian Cosmism, Vernadsky, TESCREAL, etc here. We’re in deep, folks. The gap between “The Sunday Shows” and any of this is nearly insurmountable, so no one has any idea what’s going to happen to them or their 401(k)s.
The Wide Angle: Understanding TESCREAL — the Weird Ideologies Behind Silicon Valley’s Rightward Turn
午後7:04 · 2024年11月18日
891(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:10 ID:iKsoq8JV0(4/10) AAS
4/For those new to this, read up on the Teilhard notion of “Omega Point,” and also be aware he co-created that idea with Vladimir Vernadsky, whom Putin primarily credits. “All that rises must converge,” or so they say. Buckle up.
Omega Point - Wikipedia
午後7:08 · 2024年11月18日
892(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:10 ID:iKsoq8JV0(5/10) AAS
5/Some say Musk “paid to be co-president” but this is an engineered hostile takeover of the United States and the world’s democracies, if not stopped somehow. It has an inexorable direction, and it will grind everything in its path into a fine powder if we don’t wake up to it.
午後7:15 · 2024年11月18日
893(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:11 ID:iKsoq8JV0(6/10) AAS
6/And it’s clear that Putin’s regime has taken full strategic control of the inbound administration and its staff picks and policy agenda.
午後7:23 · 2024年11月18日
If I were in the White House, I would want to know why Artem Klyushin is offering a steady stream of policy picks to Musk and Trump, and why they keep mirroring those recommendations and talking points. I’d want to know why @FBI
is apparently dead.
午後5:47 · 2024年11月18日
894(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:12 ID:iKsoq8JV0(7/10) AAS
7/And in case folks missed previous instances of Musk telegraphing this same symbology, it’s happened repeatedly.
午後11:47 · 2024年11月18日
Starting to think Musk's "Novus Ordo Seclorum" jacket at the Met Gala from 2018 was in fact intended to send a message. If not, it's still an odd choice. And he tweeted "Novus Ordo Seclorum" again yesterday post-election.
午前7:14 · 2024年11月8日
895(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:13 ID:iKsoq8JV0(8/10) AAS
8/Also worth noting that Musk has a “new project” that combines “AI” and “renewable energy.” Folks who know this milieu know that “free energy” is a huge obsession. This project is called “Project Omega.”
How to Buy Project Omega Stock | The Motley Fool
午前0:27 · 2024年11月19日
896(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:13 ID:iKsoq8JV0(9/10) AAS
9/And Putin has been saying for years that whoever controls AI will “rule the world.”
Putin says the nation that leads in AI ‘will be the ruler of the world’
午前0:28 · 2024年11月19日
897: 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:13 ID:iKsoq8JV0(10/10) AAS
10/And lest you think this is all super weird, RAND Corporation, the think tank, has had the Noosphere topic on their radar for about 25 years.
Whose Story Wins
Rise of the Noosphere, Noopolitik, and Information-Age Statecraft
午前2:06 · 2024年11月19日
898(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:14 ID:xElC8oC50(2/2) AAS
899: 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:38 ID:3KGXEYJW0(1) AAS
北朝鮮兵、ウクライナ軍と大規模交戦か いらだつ中国が韓国に送ったメッセージ
900: 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)18:05 ID:/+YKQlLU0(1) AAS
901: 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)18:18 ID:5eNvrrxp0(1) AAS
Российские авиакомпании остановили полеты половины Airbus neo из-за проблем с ремонтом
午後3:22 · 2024年11月21日
902: 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)18:23 ID:uRJo/8wt0(1) AAS
🇺🇦がATACMSによる攻撃を開始した場合、標的に到達する時間はわずか3分。TAURUSの場合は約10分になり、Storm Shadowでは最大20分になります。
午前0:19 · 2024年11月21日
903(3): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)18:31 ID:sAs2IFZP0(1) AAS
This is the sale of the century, they think they have a mandate to sell off the United States. There will never be another election because the US federal government will not exist.
午後3:42 · 2024年11月21日
904: 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)18:33 ID:+de7WzTV0(1) AAS
This is what Liz Cheney, of all people, warned us : if Trump won, his goal was for his to be the last presidential election.
午後3:55 · 2024年11月21日
905: 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)18:34 ID:NNMqoHm60(1) AAS
906: 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)18:36 ID:5Nl/7PkV0(1) AAS
As i said many many times this was Americas first Russian like election.. now Elon and Trump has to power to do whatever they want.. who's gonna stop them? The Supreme Court is corrupt and look at the cabinet he's picking! Everything is for a reason. To end democracy in America
午後5:13 · 2024年11月21日
907: 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)18:38 ID:qAGLGj6V0(1) AAS
908(2): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)18:45 ID:nUpyUt390(1) AAS
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