[過去ログ] ウクライナ、米国許可にて長距離兵器で近日中にロシア攻撃、北朝鮮が10万人派兵、部隊を止められるか焦点に [お断り★] (1002レス)
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892(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:10 ID:iKsoq8JV0(5/10) AAS
5/Some say Musk “paid to be co-president” but this is an engineered hostile takeover of the United States and the world’s democracies, if not stopped somehow. It has an inexorable direction, and it will grind everything in its path into a fine powder if we don’t wake up to it.
午後7:15 · 2024年11月18日
893(1): 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/11/21(木)17:11 ID:iKsoq8JV0(6/10) AAS
6/And it’s clear that Putin’s regime has taken full strategic control of the inbound administration and its staff picks and policy agenda.
午後7:23 · 2024年11月18日
If I were in the White House, I would want to know why Artem Klyushin is offering a steady stream of policy picks to Musk and Trump, and why they keep mirroring those recommendations and talking points. I’d want to know why @FBI
is apparently dead.
午後5:47 · 2024年11月18日
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