[過去ログ] ウクライナ政府高官 “戦争で最大の利益を得ているのは中国” [香味焙煎★] (693レス)

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648: 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/12/17(火)18:27 ID:wFZNHRj+0(1) AAS



BIG: Explosion ins Moscow kills Russian Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov and his aide.

A suspected explosive device was reportedly attached to a scooter parked near the building entrance and detonated as Kirillov entered.

Kirillov, head of Russia’s radiation, chemical, and biological defense forces, was involved in the development and adoption of the heavy flamethrower system TOS-2.

In March 2022, Kirillov infamously claimed that “Pentagon biolabs in Ukraine were spreading biological weapons into Russia using bats and birds.”
午後2:44 · 2024年12月17日
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