[過去ログ] ( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1076 (1002レス)
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545: 2021/01/26(火)08:16 ID:E4uzikxN0(1/10) AAS
The existence of all times transmits the existence of stairs like hidden strata.
546: 2021/01/26(火)08:23 ID:E4uzikxN0(2/10) AAS
Finding an unexpected human being is similar to excavation.
550: 2021/01/26(火)08:28 ID:E4uzikxN0(3/10) AAS
The unknown is coming into the present.
554: 2021/01/26(火)09:02 ID:E4uzikxN0(4/10) AAS
Analogies can explain an unexpected world.
565: 2021/01/26(火)10:29 ID:E4uzikxN0(5/10) AAS
In analogy, an unexpected human being, like a terrorist on the ground, may be a terrorist.
566: 2021/01/26(火)10:31 ID:E4uzikxN0(6/10) AAS
I think poltergeist is similar to that.
571: 2021/01/26(火)11:08 ID:E4uzikxN0(7/10) AAS
There is a boundary between the unexpected world and the world, so the unexpected world must solve an unexpected problem.
572: 2021/01/26(火)11:24 ID:E4uzikxN0(8/10) AAS
In different worlds, problems are caused differently, so solutions are different.
579: 2021/01/26(火)12:12 ID:E4uzikxN0(9/10) AAS
The terrorists in the unexpected world are poltergeists.
589: 2021/01/26(火)12:41 ID:E4uzikxN0(10/10) AAS
I think the emperor will move from Tokyo to Kyoto when the pope moves.
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