[過去ログ] 【Project peko】2ch特化型サーバ・ロケーション構築作戦 Part16 (1001レス)

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770: root▲ ★ 05/01/13 11:57 ID:??? AAS
Me (11:09 AM) :
Hello, Jim-san.
Would you tell me the current status about cobra2245?
Jim (11:11 AM) :
traffic was bad. I am just getting to the parking lot at pie.
I have the 320-1 controller. I will install it today then tomorrow the -2 controller
will come and I will exchange them be inside in a few minutes
Me (11:14 AM) :
Hmm... If you certainly will get -2 controller, I recommend to you doing the installation job
after the card has been arrived. Because RAID 1 is a little bit sensitive.
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