2ch特化型サーバ・ロケーション構築作戦 Part19 (1001レス)
2ch特化型サーバ・ロケーション構築作戦 Part19 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/
829: 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる [sage] 2006/02/12(日) 00:23:42 ID:0sIApU9/0 TSCまわりだと、こんなパッチが出てる模様。 http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/mid.cgi?1835.1139524338 6-stableにマージされるのが楽しみ。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/829
830: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/12(日) 00:31:54 ID:???0 BE:2462393-# >>829 おぉ、 phk ですか。 わくてかってかんじで。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/830
831: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/12(日) 00:36:46 ID:???0 BE:1824454-# >>829 のパッチを読んでいますが、 これって calcru をまるっきり置き換えなんすね。 まさに、○○だねみたいな。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/831
832: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/12(日) 03:42:17 ID:???0 BE:821333-# # for Torino olympic games 0 17 * * * /usr/local/bin/home-backup.sh /home @ live22 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/832
833: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/12(日) 03:42:45 ID:???0 BE:3648285-# もともとは 14:00 PST/PDT >>832 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/833
834: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/12(日) 03:55:38 ID:???0 BE:2188883-# 今日健康でもLA=10超えたので、 >>821 を LA=20 で発動に変更。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/834
835: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/12(日) 07:42:06 ID:???0 >>819 > # suspicious "calcru: runtime went backwards" wordaround word => work # おはずかしい。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/835
836: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/12(日) 08:28:15 ID:???0 >>832 月曜の朝10時にフルダンプするのもいまいちなんで、 あとで、2時間ぐらい早めておこう。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/836
837: 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる [sage] 2006/02/12(日) 19:06:04 ID:RXfX/iop0 いまさらだけど>>811のradwinさんのスライド読みました。 これはすごいですねーー。 kill -HUP しなくてログローテーションとかどうやるんだろう。 inode変るはずなのに。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/837
838: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/12(日) 19:08:02 ID:???0 >>837 それ用のモジュールあたりかしら。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/838
839: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/13(月) 16:02:47 ID:???0 BE:1094843-# Apache 2.2系で環境を作るべく、調べ中。 以下、FreeBSDのports的観点でまずは。 ・Apache 2.2系では最初からkqueue(2)をサポートしている模様。 - ports作る時のWITH_KQUEUE_SUPPORTは、不要(意味なし)になった。 ・configとかが/usr/local/etc/apache22の下に変わる ・同様にモジュールの場所も/usr/local/libexec/apache22の下に変わる 2ch的には、 ・mod_cgidsoは再インストールが必要 あたりか。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/839
840: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/13(月) 16:06:36 ID:???0 BE:4104959-# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22.sh これも名前が変わる。 # # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable apache22: # apache22_enable (bool): Set to "NO" by default. # Set it to "YES" to enable apache22 # apache22_profiles (str): Set to "" by default. # Define your profiles here. # apache22limits_enable (bool):Set to "NO" by default. # Set it to yes to run `limits $limits_args` # just before apache starts. # apache22_flags (str): Set to "" by default. # Extra flags passed to start command. # apache22limits_args (str): Default to "-e -C daemon" # Arguments of pre-start limits run. # apache22_http_accept_enable (bool): Set to "NO" by default. # Set to yes to check for accf_http kernel # module on start up and load if not loaded. のように、accf_http(9)のオン・オフをrc.confに書くようになった。 デフォルトでは入らないので注意。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/840
841: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/13(月) 17:47:18 ID:???0 BE:547632-# /usr/ports/CHANGES: 20051108: AUTHOR: portmgr@FreeBSD.org The following changes were introduced: ... * Add bsd.apache.mk USE_APACHE knob enhancements /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.apache.mk: # Variables definition # USE_APACHE: Call this script. Values can be: # <version>: 1.3/13/2.0/20/2.1/2.2/1.3+/2.0+/2.1+/2.2+ # common*: common13, common20, common21 and common22 ということは、/etc/make.conf に、 # added by mumumu, for Apahce 2.2 -- 2006/2/13 USE_APACHE=common22 を追加でいいのかな。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/841
842: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/13(月) 18:33:54 ID:???0 BE:4104195-# <IfModule dir_module> DirectoryIndex index.html </IfModule> IfModuleの文法が変わったですか。 (多分前のもいけるんでしょうけど) http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/842
843: ▲ ◆cZfSunOs.U [sage] 2006/02/14(火) 02:28:51 ID:o/Ty643u0 >>839 >Apache 2.2系で環境を作るべく、調べ中。 いよいよですか.2.2 なら Event MPM も挑戦する価値あるかも. >・mod_cgidsoは再インストールが必要 それを用いるプログラム (read.cgi 等) もですね. http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/843
844: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/14(火) 03:41:08 ID:???0 BE:4925096-# >>843 > それを用いるプログラム (read.cgi 等) もですね. おぉ、なるほど。 で、さっきまた症状再発。 アイドルタイムがぐぐぐとなくなり、でもtop的にはプロセスがRUNにならないのに、 ロードアベレージが上がり続けるという、いかにもカーネルのバグっぽい、 謎な状態になる模様。 http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/844
845: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/14(火) 03:42:01 ID:???0 BE:1277827-# 症状はこれまでと全く同じ。 %grep backward /var/log/messages Feb 13 10:27:24 <0.2> tiger2522 kernel: calcru: runtime went backwards from 235116018 usec to 235115799 usec for pid 28466 (httpd) Feb 13 10:28:06 <0.2> tiger2522 kernel: calcru: runtime went backwards from 557817 usec to 557807 usec for pid 17019 (httpd) Feb 13 10:28:06 <0.2> tiger2522 kernel: calcru: runtime went backwards from 547476 usec to 547431 usec for pid 16997 (httpd) Feb 13 10:28:21 <0.2> tiger2522 kernel: calcru: runtime went backwards from 1734019 usec to 1733938 usec for pid 16944 (httpd) http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/845
846: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/14(火) 03:43:54 ID:???0 BE:3192757-# 2006-02-14 03:26:37.805228500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 2.13818359375 2006-02-14 03:27:07.806554500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 14.9033203125 2006-02-14 03:27:37.808498500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 98.05224609375 2006-02-14 03:27:37.809198500 delta = 1139855257 2006-02-14 03:27:37.809226500 Restarting apache... 2006-02-14 03:27:37.893737500 Performing sanity check on apache2 configuration: 2006-02-14 03:27:38.135912500 Syntax OK 2006-02-14 03:27:38.193105500 Stopping apache2. 2006-02-14 03:27:38.208165500 Waiting for PIDS: 55140, 55140, 55140, 55140, 55140, 55140. 2006-02-14 03:27:50.395771500 Starting apache2. 2006-02-14 03:28:21.037681500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 82.00390625 2006-02-14 03:28:21.037954500 delta = 30 2006-02-14 03:28:21.037975500 delta = 30, not restarting 2006-02-14 03:28:51.038550500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 79.72509765625 2006-02-14 03:28:51.038668500 delta = 60 2006-02-14 03:28:51.038692500 delta = 60, not restarting 2006-02-14 03:29:21.039819500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 49.25634765625 2006-02-14 03:29:21.039891500 delta = 90 2006-02-14 03:29:21.039907500 delta = 90, not restarting 2006-02-14 03:29:51.041112500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 30.40380859375 2006-02-14 03:29:51.041344500 delta = 120 (続く) http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/846
847: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/14(火) 03:44:32 ID:???0 BE:1277827-# 2006-02-14 03:29:51.041389500 Restarting apache... 2006-02-14 03:29:51.056401500 Performing sanity check on apache2 configuration: 2006-02-14 03:29:51.104448500 Syntax OK 2006-02-14 03:29:51.121918500 Stopping apache2. 2006-02-14 03:29:51.186926500 Waiting for PIDS: 16927, 16927, 16927. 2006-02-14 03:29:57.209463500 Starting apache2. 2006-02-14 03:30:28.033177500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 53.62548828125 2006-02-14 03:30:28.033181500 delta = 30 2006-02-14 03:30:28.033183500 delta = 30, not restarting 2006-02-14 03:30:58.033944500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 35.7099609375 2006-02-14 03:30:58.034165500 delta = 60 2006-02-14 03:30:58.034201500 delta = 60, not restarting 2006-02-14 03:31:28.035250500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 22.26318359375 2006-02-14 03:31:28.035586500 delta = 90 2006-02-14 03:31:28.035631500 delta = 90, not restarting 2006-02-14 03:31:58.036485500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 12.85009765625 2006-02-14 03:32:28.037717500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 8.75927734375 2006-02-14 03:32:58.038980500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 5.54248046875 2006-02-14 03:33:28.040237500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 3.64404296875 2006-02-14 03:33:58.041496500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 2.49658203125 2006-02-14 03:34:28.042745500 MaxLA = 20, LA = 1.51171875 (以下略) http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/847
848: root▲ ★ [sage] 2006/02/14(火) 03:50:57 ID:???0 BE:1368353-# [Mon Feb 13 10:27:24 2006] [notice] child pid 28437 exit signal Bus error (10) [Mon Feb 13 10:27:41 2006] [warn] child process 28391 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM [Mon Feb 13 10:27:41 2006] [warn] child process 28392 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM [Mon Feb 13 10:27:41 2006] [warn] child process 28393 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM [Mon Feb 13 10:27:41 2006] [warn] child process 28394 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM ... [Mon Feb 13 10:27:47 2006] [error] child process 28391 still did not exit, sending a SIGKILL [Mon Feb 13 10:27:47 2006] [error] child process 28392 still did not exit, sending a SIGKILL [Mon Feb 13 10:27:47 2006] [error] child process 28393 still did not exit, sending a SIGKILL [Mon Feb 13 10:27:47 2006] [error] child process 28394 still did not exit, sending a SIGKILL ... [Mon Feb 13 10:27:49 2006] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Mon Feb 13 10:27:50 2006] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/local/sbin/suexec) [Mon Feb 13 10:27:51 2006] [notice] mod_cgidso enabled [Mon Feb 13 10:27:56 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.55 configured -- resuming normal operations [Mon Feb 13 10:28:02 2006] [notice] child pid 16999 exit signal Bus error (10) [Mon Feb 13 10:28:03 2006] [notice] child pid 16994 exit signal Bus error (10) [Mon Feb 13 10:28:03 2006] [notice] child pid 16980 exit signal Bus error (10) [Mon Feb 13 10:28:04 2006] [notice] child pid 17000 exit signal Bus error (10) ... [Mon Feb 13 10:29:54 2006] [warn] child process 16944 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM [Mon Feb 13 10:29:54 2006] [warn] child process 16946 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM [Mon Feb 13 10:29:54 2006] [warn] child process 16947 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM [Mon Feb 13 10:29:54 2006] [warn] child process 16948 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM ... (続く) http://qb5.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1121886018/848
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