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862(3): 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/07/23(水)21:33 ID:ydMhq4tt0(1) AAS
Dear Jim,
This decision was made in a very biased way, and by an inappropriate vote:
as observed in the first proposition in the thread,
the day of the vote, its duration were fixed already by this ◆OXgwxAc3nk
without discussion, and the discussion was, in reality, never held after that.
He did not reply to any questions neither comments against his very violent
manner of executing this vote, as you can find in the thread.
In fact, concerning such a relatively ‘slow’ board,
we have to dedicate a much longer time to discuss and to vote.
Could you, please, read carefully that thread,
and the voting place
and make an objective judgement of this process.
Sincerely, and thank you for your daily hard work for us.
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