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876(1): 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/07/30(水)00:03 ID:/dY8JYtB0(1) AAS
Dear Jim,
Re: Foreign Languages Board
(if and only if ◆f/UruE.G8.= ◆OXgwxAc3nk)
[POINT A] >>869
It’s a real shame that ◆f/UruE.G8. misled you by a very unfaithful English summary of the text written in Japanese:
A possible literal translation:
> How many people here know the details of the information leak of personal data which occurred last year at 2ch?
> Don’t you remember the upheaval, saying that not only e-mail address and credit card numbers,
> but also all the texts posted with the IDs, of those who bought [so called MARU for] 2ch viewer, were able to be identified?
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