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864: ◆OXgwxAc3nk 2014/07/24(木)23:09 ID:o8D7aUZt0(1) AAS
I don't see any relevance between the voting fairness and who decide the schedule as long as it is reasonable enough and announced properly.
In fact, there had been no objection to the voting date until he bursted in just 30 minutes before the starting time of the poll.
And then he insisted
"The voting period is too short. It should be more than a week. And also we should discuss the period of discussion, and discuss changing the default name to announce discussion. And discuss, and discuss"
So I replied to him.
"I have surveyed (followed) precedent cases which jim-san accepted. Not to worry."
Furthermore the majority of the discussion thread dissented against his(◆WcWT26mRRQ) last-minute proposal.
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