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(1): ◆f/UruE.G8. 2014/07/28(月)03:34 ID:ZQ6nG/Aw0(1) AAS
>>868 is a mere sabotage. Please ignore him.
He asserts that we abandoned the vote result, just because we built a new thread. Does it make any sense?
And this is how, they (opposing rabid minority) have sabotaged our discussion and voting.

For instance, they had threatened us dozens of times before the voting.
"If you vote and show your IP address, I might go to your work places"
"Showing IP address can lead to the leakage of the personal information such as credit-card number."
and so on and so forth.

I'm exhausted...
(1): 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/07/30(水)00:03 ID:/dY8JYtB0(1) AAS
Dear Jim,
Re: Foreign Languages Board

(if and only if ◆f/UruE.G8.= ◆OXgwxAc3nk)

[POINT A] >>869
It’s a real shame that ◆f/UruE.G8. misled you by a very unfaithful English summary of the text written in Japanese:
A possible literal translation:
> How many people here know the details of the information leak of personal data which occurred last year at 2ch?
> Don’t you remember the upheaval, saying that not only e-mail address and credit card numbers,
> but also all the texts posted with the IDs, of those who bought [so called MARU for] 2ch viewer, were able to be identified?
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