[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★18 (1001レス)
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240(1): 予備政治士官 ◆MVChfC0L7Y 2014/03/30(日)17:00 ID:A6No7F1q0(2/3) AAS
General Jim.
I will report. proposal of "army board" from "forced ID discussion".
Change of "SETTING.TXT" of "BBS_SLIP =".
Can I change the "blank → checked"?
They are looking for more advanced ID.
(However, this does not mean consent.)
Election if necessary for change.
We will the next item on the agenda this.
Or, run as an extension of the current "forced ID experiment".
We still OK.
247: 予備政治士官 ◆MVChfC0L7Y 2014/03/30(日)18:23 ID:A6No7F1q0(3/3) AAS
General Jim.
> What does BBS_SLP do?
It is the desire of some of the residents of the "army board".
They want.
"I want you to 9-digit ID is us."
The end of the 9-digit ID can be identified in the write terminal.
That's why.
> I am looking forward to the middle of April to see what happens on
your board.
494(1): 予備政治士官 ◆MVChfC0L7Y 2014/04/01(火)15:28 ID:KqGWiz7K0(1/2) AAS
General Jim.
I manage the election of "army board" as the responsible person.
I talk to Sir today.
Demand is coming to me from voters.
Choice of election, two in the plan.
"Forced ID" (after 2014/3/19)
"Any ID" (before 20143/19)
Demand would like to add another option.
"No ID"
501: 予備政治士官 ◆MVChfC0L7Y 2014/04/01(火)15:56 ID:KqGWiz7K0(2/2) AAS
Thank you, Sir!
We will continue with the mission.
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